Executive Board
Sophia Huh, President

Sophia is a senior who is always excited to learn new things with other people, especially her Scioly teammates. During the 2023 season, she took on a variety of events and could be found cutting tiny pieces of balsa, formatting her 4pt notes on 200% zoom, or abusing the school printer. When she's not in Ms. Babcockss room, Sophia is usually at the cheer gym or playing music with her friends. Her best Scioly memory is from hanging out and laughing with her team at States, right before they won a ton of medals. Sophia's favorite thing about Science Olympiad is the community that it has created for STEM lovers and the lasting friendships she's made within it.
Andrew Kim, Vice President

Andrew is a junior who has a passion for all things related to Science Olympiad. When he's not running or playing the piano, you'll find Andrew working on Scioly, cramming notes into oversized binders or writing scripts that make practice tests. His favorite event for the 2023 season was Environmental Chemistry, and his fondest memory was staying up and eating grass jelly in a hotel room with his friends and winning 4 medals the next day at the States tournament.
Zahra Ramakdawala

I'm a senior who loves Science Olympiad almost as much as I love Temm's hyper realistic frog drawings. With a speciality in bio and life science events, you'd likely find me fitting one last diagram into my 5pt font Anatomy notes or memorizing one more random history fact for Disease Detectives. My favorite memory of Woodson Scioly was when one of the in-person invitationals was canceled and rescheduled to be online, my partner and I decided to have some fun and make dinner before taking the tests. On the day we decided to take the tests, we spent two hours cooking a full three course meal. After dinner, we got ready to take the test and they hadn't even been assigned on Scilympiad. We then stayed up for another 5 hours watching horror movies, listening to Icelandic metal, and finishing our forestry notes.
Benjamin Hall, Build Captain

My name is Ben and I am a senior who loves science, engineering, and mathematics, and is always up for a challenge. I've been doing Science Olympiad nearly every year since 4th grade, and I love to create and learn. My favorite thing to do in his free time is to code to try to solve challenges and create fun programs. I love the ingenuity I see in what people make, and want to help further foster team members' ability to create. I see Woodson Science Olympiad as an environment in which people can have fun and be creative in attempts to solve problems, learn new things, and create interesting machines.
Matthew Lee, Hybrid Captain

Matthew is a junior who is passionate about electrial engineering and physics, particularly electriciy and magnetism. His favorite event was WiFi Lab. When he's not working on antennae early in the morning or desoldering load cell amplifiers in the lobby of a Princeton, NJ hotel, he's playing flying drones, playing badminton, or messing with electronics.
Boram Min, Lab Captain

I'm a senior interested in pursuing a career STEM. Ever since I got involved with Scioly in middle school, it has became a platform where I can push myself to new heights. If anybody needs me, I can most likely be found in the chemistry labs doing powder or flame tests. My favorite things to do outside of Scioly are solving puzzles and going to concerts. The thing I like the most about Woodson Scioly is the community! The community is full of creative and clever individuals who are always ready to take on challenges. With their extreme curiosity, I'm excited to see what my peers will be able to succeed in the future!
Contact Us

Contact the Executive Board at wtwscienceolympiad@gmail.com and follow us on Instagram at @wtwscienceolympiad! Or, you can DM Sophia and Andrew on Discord at sophiahuh and .expectation, respectively.